Unlock Fitness Insights & Wellness Tips: Wall Sit Workouts to Multi-tasking

[Estimated reading time: Under a minute.]

After the post earlier this week about one movement you can add to your exercise regimen that doesn’t require much in terms of equipment and room, WaPo published another good one - the wall sit! This exercise does not require anything other than a wall for you to lean against and it will work your quads, core and hamstrings.

In other news, the hubs and I got hit by the bug going around. We have been on the mend for a couple of days so almost 100% but it knocked me on my rear.

I learned the title phrase while we were doing our walkabout in Australia awhile back, which means what you likely think it means.

With that in mind, I wanted to showcase some items recently posted on Instagram that you may have missed:

Or watch this clip with Melissa Bloom where we talk about multi-tasking vs working on tasks in parallel:

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Perimenopause and Black Women: Navigating a Unique Journey


Short on Time for Your Workout? Add This to Your Workout Routine for Muscle Gain.