How to Establish Boundaries That You Need

[Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 55 seconds.]


Introducing Go Long’s inaugural special guest star, Melissa Bloom. She is the founder of Full Bloom Coaching and we met when I was a client of hers.

We stayed in touch after I left my previous role. When I told her about Go Long, she became one of the early supporters.

One of the themes I hear from clients on a regular basis is around establishing boundaries. This goes for both personal and professional lives. As I started thinking this through, I thought of Melissa and her work with executives. Some of the exercises she went through with me really helped me in this area.

With the holidays rapidly approaching, Melissa was the perfect guest to kick things off. I’m really grateful for her insights and for her time in getting this endeavor off of the ground.

Quick Takeaways

  • Melissa: Define what good looks like and be proactive about making those conditions happen. Celebrate the wins. Most people do not take enough time to do that, but you’re worthy of those wins.

  • Jill: Making changes in your life can feel uncomfortable. It may feel as though you’re taking a step back. But you’re investing in yourself. Communicate to the people in your life where they can help.

Show Notes

“Black Friday Special” - mentioned at the end of the episode:

  • Four 30-minute sessions - 2 with Full Bloom Coaching and 2 with Go Long

  • Identify 2 topics that you would like to focus on in December, which can be related to the holidays, work, health, family or anything else important to you at this moment

  • Sessions expire on 12/31/23


  • $350 through Black Friday (11/24)

  • $399 after Black Friday (through 11/30)

Ways to connect with Melissa:

Ways to connect with Go Long:

Quick Hits

  • Each of these episodes will have a transcript. They will be able to be accessed by clicking on the title of the post in your email. This will open the post in your browser or via the Substack app.

  • Please send in your feedback if you want more of this kind of content, the topics you’re interested in and what length works for you. I’ll be creating snippets of these discussions for easier consumption.

  • Getting these episodes posted on social and other podcast providers is also in the works. Please bear with me as I get this going.


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