How about being proactive and devoting time to yourself for a change?

Estimated read time: 1 minute

Is worrying about repeating the same mistakes as before stopping you?

We’ve all been there in some way, shape or form.

Why not try an empowering and contrarian approach to improving your health routine?

Go Long brings a unique mindset to working with clients on these very issues.

Stop worrying and start investing in YOU.

I have been playing around with Google searches and ChatGPT. Google disappointed with their recommended searches when I typed in ‘weight training for women over 50’.


Have a look and let me know what you think.

PS - At the recommendation of the marketing people in my life, I was seduced by the dark side and re-established my IG accounts after being off since November, 2016. Find me at @justgolong and @jlcbeck. #FML


Cardio for show, lift for tomorrow....


Let's Give It Up For The Moms!