What does September mean to you? Chaos? Insanity? Pumpkin Spice Lattes?

[Estimated reading time: 4 minutes, 30 seconds.]

It’s back to school time. Regardless of whether school has already kicked off or if the start is imminent, it’s an especially chaotic time of the year. New schedules, new responsibilities, new challenges.

Someone once told me that parenting can be described as:

“The days go by slow, but the years go by fast.”

What are your thoughts on that statement?

Yes, time flies

In talking to my circle, which includes clients, everything feels as though it is happening in a blink of an eye. You went from day care “drop off” to being an Uber driver on nights and weekends to now being an “empty nester” with kids moving away for college.

Wherever you are, you might be dealing with some different emotions such as:

  • Kids are on a more strict schedule, which causes more stress on you to enforce said schedule.

  • Wondering how you’re going to balance your day job with getting everyone to where they need to be. On schedule, along with other responsibilities of running a household.

  • Struggling to understand what the college application and financial aid processes look like. You're thinking they have to be way different than when you were in college.

  • You now have the free time you craved for so long because your kids are out of the house. Now what?

  • Already over pumpkin-spiced lattes - hey, it’s a thing!

Chances are you’re not thinking about yourself in this checklist going on in your head. You’re putting everyone else first. And while it’s good to help others, you need to also take care of yourself.

If you’re not healthy, you can’t take care of others. Something ponder with the school year being in its infancy:

  • If you could change one specific thing about “the crazy” in your life, what would that be?

[NOTE: This question has been in my arsenal for interviews for years.]

It could seem like a minor thing that seems like ‘nothing’. But if it is happening every day, then it is ‘something’ worth dealing with.

It could be something major. Whatever it is, the climb might seem steep and insurmountable.

This was a pretty steep climb on our recent trip to Norway.

Regardless of the size of the thing you would like to change, it doesn’t need to be overwhelming. It could be tackling it one step at a time.

That’s ok. We’ve all been there!

I’m of the mindset that it is better to talk about something than not. It could be considered endearing. Other times it is considered to be a pain in the ass.

If you talk about it, and even write it down, perhaps the problem isn’t such a hairy, scary monster to confront after all? But if you want to solve it, you have to be willing to take a step back so you can leap two steps forward.

Are you one of those people who wants to invest more time in yourself but are unsure how to go about it?

And when time is challenged, that is a hard ask. Something works now, so the pain is worth dealing with. Trying to build a new habit with no guarantees of upside can be overwhelming.

Can you relate to this example?

Let’s take something that I have heard from clients (with and without kids) on many occasions.

You’re feeling tired. ALL. OF. THE. TIME.

Everything seems like a grind to get through the week. And then, if you have kids, the weekends are generally full of activities.

You want to have more time at the end of your day to wind down. You know your sleep is inconsistent and, right now, everything is a grind.

You’re feeling weighted down by expectations and doing a lot of the unseen work that I have referred to in the past. You’re doing so much but the results are not visible.

Go Long’s unique approach is around understanding you and your day-to-day schedule. Or chaos, depending on how you look at it. We work backwards from your life as opposed to making you follow a program that has you making many changes at once.

Depending on your goals, you can work with Go Long in varying degrees:

  1. You could count on us for accountability coaching.

  2. Or we can understand this information to help find you the right provider to partner with you.

Regardless, we'll work with you on finding the right strategy for you that we have seen work for others.

You deserve to take this next step for yourself

We’re about meeting you where you are. It’s how you want to spend your time today and in your future.

Imagine if you could work towards feeling not run down, but feeling energetic as you take on your day-to-day life? That would be a huge deal.

Taking better care of yourself looks different for everyone. Some of it is physical. Some of it is emotional. It could be both.

As someone who has had a long journey towards being healthier, I have firsthand knowledge how hard it is to figure out what to tackle first.

Imagine if you focused on yourself so you can show up better for the people who matter most to you. By the way, that also includes YOU!

Here at Go Long, the focus is crafting an approach based on how your life works. It is based on reality as opposed to espousing perfection.

Let’s go back to that ONE THING that that you would like to change that could make your life easier.

Or are you struggling to figure out what that is?

Let’s take it one step at a time.

Schedule a complimentary call.

We can help you.


How do YOU celebrate YOU, whether on your birthday or on an ongoing basis?


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