Here we go

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Go Long with me

In today’s WSJ (paywall), an article was published on weight gain around women going through the menopause transition. BUT they also touch upon the fact that everyone, regardless of gender, loses strength and muscle, which also helps accelerate unwanted weight gain.

Let’s talk about muscle mass as you get older. The reality is that it decreases as time goes on, regardless of your gender. Women generally start with less muscle mass than men, so they typically have less to work with as they get older hence the sense of urgency around strength training.

That said, everyone should be focused on finding a good strength training program that suits them. One that understands where YOU are in YOUR life, what YOUR lived experiences have been and, most importantly, the person YOU want to become as life goes on.

That last part is key. I am a firm believer in that it is not too late to make changes in your lifestyle to live whatever you feel could be your best life. You can “be the boss of you.”

The main problem right now is that too many ‘personal trainers’ are not geared towards a good chunk of the population. They are geared towards one specific demographic and everyone is downgraded from that group as opposed to starting from the ground up to work with people of all shapes, sizes, races, genders, ages, etc.

I’m testing out something to change the paradigm of that model. If you want to follow along, you can subscribe to Go Long by clicking the button below, which will add you to a mailing list as this concept evolves.

I hope you join me on this journey because while I hope to share my experiences with you, I really expect to learn from the people who subscribe.


Relive your glory years?