FFS: How did you get yourself out of burnout?

[Estimated reading time: 2 minutes]

Client Win This Week

“Without getting on the scale, I know I have lost weight in the past 2 months. It’s the belt buckle and just not feeling winded every time I walk uphill to get groceries.”

Go Long in the Wild! 

In addition to the weekly blog post, I am slowly uploading content to YouTube and have been posting on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Something I loved seeing this week? The ratings from the NCAA’s annual March Madness Tourney for 2024. More evidence exists that people will watch women’s sports.

On LinkedIn, I discussed how burnout and yo-yo dieting are co-conspirators in destroying your health.  

On the Path to Choosing Myself

The 2nd post of this month’s series on burnout talked about finding a path forward towards choosing myself. Here is a snippet:

As a woman in Wall Street in the 90s and early aughts, you knew not to cry. Whatever emotion you had was not available for you to display to anyone. All of us were processing some serious grief over loved ones lost and/or injured. We were all processing the trauma of seeing firsthand what transpired. Then you had colleagues who happened to not be at the office that morning for a random reason and had guilt about that. It was a fucking mess.

Eventually we moved back to our original office. That brought more trauma. But again, no talking about it. 

Myth Monday

Myth: Burnout and stress are the same thing.

Stress is a precursor to burnout, but not all stress leads to burnout.

Some thoughts on it below:

Challenge of the Week

Reflect how you got yourself OUT of burnout. What strategies did you use?

I’d love to hear from you so please feel free to respond to this email. 

If you decide you want to share your story more fully, I’d be happy to have you guest post on the blog (anonymous is ok too!).

Thank you for spending time with Go Long. Your feedback and comments are always welcomed and appreciated.

What Does FFS Stand For?

People who know me in IRL know that I have a tendency to say ‘FFS’ in writing or ‘For Fuck’s Sake’. In the context of this newsletter, it stands for ‘Fearless Friday Shorts’. The goal is to bring you quick bites of what Go Long is doing every week.

Have a great weekend!


The Myth of ‘Just Be Positive’


Burnout to Breakthrough: My Mental Health Odyssey That Led Me to Choose Me